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Showing posts from 2016

2016 Tibetan Prime Minister Election: Patriotism or Favouritism?

The twentieth day of March 2016 is almost here. It is the day we elect our Prime Minister for the next five years. There still are unsettled opinions and debates going on in the Tibetan communities in exile. Many of us are supporting and advertising one’s choice of the two candidates, lashing out and criticising the other, while some of us have still not made up our mind about whom to vote for. Personally, i have never been interested in politics. Since I was a little girl, I have been saying that I want to be a journalist and when asked what field i want to pursue the career in, I say “anything but politics.” Politics is tagged ‘a dirty game’ by many, including me. BUT for how long are we going to keep saying that politics is a dirty game and not take part in electing the Prime Minister of Tibet; the country occupied by a very powerful nation for more than half a century long? Do you think it is worth ignoring what is happening with our nation’s political system and not be bothered...